Hairspray (2022-05)

A year ago when I thought of directing this show, it seemed relevant and so timely. That is even truer now than then. I was horrified at the racially charged shooting in Buffalo New York. I am saddened every time I think about any kind of discrimination.

I have never encountered angry people wanting to shut me out. I know I don’t worry when I am (it has happened only a few times I promise) pulled over by a policeman. Yet these are the very things that have happened and unbelievably still happen today for our black friends. Can you imagine not liking someone based on their appearance? I, frankly, can not. Clearly Tracy’s declaration of, “why can’t we all just dance together” is an oversimplification of this thought; but still, why can’t we all dance, communicate and love all?

I have had my share of mean people encounters. And so if you are reading this I am humbly asking, can we all get along? Can kindness be a motto of sorts? Can we first try love and seek to find common ground?

Lastly, I did hesitate to bring this show to fruition as we aren’t a state filled with diversity. But I have been blessed with the best of the best in both the black and white casts. They love and respect each other and I am amazed at the talents they have shared with me. May you enjoy this production and stop and think of Tracy’s pivotal words, “Why can’t we all just dance together?”

Susan DeMill